Design Process
The proposed, and ultimately accepted by the Utah Legislature in 2021, Commemorative Flag’s design is the result of a process that created over a 150 professionally paid for designs by our organization.
We recognize that there are many potential flag designs and options that are worthy of Utah. However, if a design tries to be all things to all people, attempting to satisfy unrealistic and conflicting visions, the end result inevitably leads to an unremarkable design (i.e. the current flag).
Thus, our organization saw fit to create and oversee a design, paid for with private donations, that would establish a new, beautiful flag that will stand the test of time as one of the premier flags in the United States. Our proposed design is unlike any other state flag in the country, unique in its layout and story (*90.5% prefer the proposed design to the current flag). Like the best flags in the country, it is instantly recognizable as Utah’s flag.
As mentioned on the "Symbolism" page, it is essential to remember that it is easy to over-design and overthink a flag, thus cluttering the beauty achieved through symbolic storytelling. As written on the page: "a flag doesn't need to "say it" to "be it." For example, the Beehive represents "Industry" but doesn't need to actually write it out, thus cluttering the design, to represent it. The same goes for the star representing Utah's statehood, which doesn't need to read "1896" within, also cluttering the design, to actually represent the date, and so forth."
To see all of the designs that were created and considered by our commission, or to learn more about what our organization is about, please feel free to continue exploring our website, including the sub-menu pages "Designer Favorites" and "Design Catalogue."
*Survey results received January 2020 - more info found via "Survey"