Utah's Commemorative Flag was designed by Jonathan Martin, an award winning filmmaker and festival director of Utah's five-time Best of State award winning film festival, FilmQuest. He is also one of the three principle designers of the new Utah State Flag, and a third design of his (which revealed the "Beehive Crest" as seen on the final design) was the #1 choice of the public's vote amongst the 20 finalists flags unveiled in late 2022.
Jonathan is also the owner of Bohemian Industries, one of Utah's top film production companies, which has been awarded with over 275 industry awards and accolades since its founding in 2011. The company produces films, music videos, documentaries, and commercials across all genres. He was also a world record holder for having directed the most awarded horror short film of all-time, a record that stood for 6 years.
Jonathan was not the initial designer of the flag. While he is the son of Richard Martin, the Organization's Founder and Chair, it wasn't until about a year's worth of efforts to come up with the appropriate design that Jonathan came on board with a design that is similar to what is now Utah's commemorative flag. After initially unveiling that design to the public in 2019, Jonathan went back and updated it through public feedback and input.
Originally from Houston, Texas, Jonathan moved with his family to Provo, Utah while in high school. Like many who come to Utah from afar, Jonathan quickly fell in love with his adopted home state. He served an LDS mission to Manchester, England, and soon after returning home in 2004, began his first business ventures, most notable founding the charitable organization TsunamiAID which raised $250k for relief after the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami disaster and built what has since become Indonesia's #1 school for primary aged children in the region of the country.
While Jonathan would not call himself a "professional" designer, he builds business portfolios, decks, and presentations professionally, while also doing the graphic design work on his own films, projects, and events. He is also a hobbyist sports uniform designer, and has had his work featured on the world's top uniform design website, Uni-Watch.
He is a graduate of Utah Valley University with a B.S. in Business Entrepreneurship.
"My heart is in Texas, but my soul is in Utah," is a statement Jonathan often shares when talking about his upbringing and when proudly declaring Utah as his home.
You can learn more about Jonathan and his work at www.bohemianindustries.com and www.filmquestfest.com.